Epitome Recruitment Details

Selected candidates will be trained on telecom domain before the Deployment in projects:

  1. The selected candidates will be trained theoretically and practically for a period of 7 weeks.
  2. Theoretically they will be trained for a period of 3 weeks on all the fundamentals of telecom. And
  3. practically they will be trained on all the Equipment used in telecom industry i.e., GPS, Compass,
  4. Tool Kit, DT Softwares, etc.
Radio Frequency Engineering:
  1. Epitome InfoSolutions provides RF Engineering services for all wireless networks such as GSM,
  2. CDMA, Wi-Max and Microwave Networks etc. RF is abbreviated as Radio Frequency. RF again has two different profiles in it. They are:-
  3. a) Drive Test and
  4. b) Survey
Installation and Commissioning:
  1. Epitome InfoSolutions can provide excellent, competent and quality services in GSM, CDMA,
  2. WiMax, VSAT, MW, and Optical Mux for Telecom and Entrepreneur sectors. Our professionals
  3. can Install Commission, Test and Integrate all the wired and wireless equipment.
Base Transceiver Station (BTS)
  1. This job profile deals with all the issues regarding BTS. Which includes installation, problem identification and rectification.
Operation and Maintenance: Every area covered by Epitome InfoSolutions has one unique O & M team, which will take care of the identification of all the technical problems and their verification.

  1. Fundamental of telecom engineering.
  2. Advance GSM technology.
  3. Advance CDMA Technology.
  4. Operations on telecom tools (MapInfo professional Tems, Nemo, Global mapper)
  5. UMTS system architecture/design/signaling /interface (3g mobile technology).
For More Details: Click Here


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